Important Disclaimer

The purpose of this blog is purely to serve as a compilation of good technical material for my students. No financial or other motives are involved. Most of the content in this blog has been reproduced from other sources. I have made every attempt to mention the source link at the beginning of each blog. All readers are requested to kindly acknowledge that source and not this blog, in case you find the post helpful. However, I have not been able to trace the source links for some of my older posts. I wish to emphasize that this is not intentional and any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Feb 13, 2007

My First Post

Hello all
This is my first post. The first one of many to come. I'll be focussing on tech trends, science and technology and Engineering in this blog... all r welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its really helpful
if u can pls post
a downloadable & printable version
it wil b time saving