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The purpose of this blog is purely to serve as a compilation of good technical material for my students. No financial or other motives are involved. Most of the content in this blog has been reproduced from other sources. I have made every attempt to mention the source link at the beginning of each blog. All readers are requested to kindly acknowledge that source and not this blog, in case you find the post helpful. However, I have not been able to trace the source links for some of my older posts. I wish to emphasize that this is not intentional and any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Oct 3, 2007

FTIR Spectrometer

An FTIR (Fourier Transform InfraRed) is a method of obtaining infrared spectra by first collecting an interferogram of a sample signal using an interferometer, then performing a Fourier Transform on the interferogram to obtain the spectrum. An FTIR Spectrometer is a spectral instrument that collects and digitizes the interferogram, performs the FT function and displays the spectrum.

The FTIR is based on a Michelson Interferometer, that consists of, at least a beam splitter and two mirrors. This instrument produces interference between two beams of light waves propagated through two separate optical path lengths. Useful interference only occurs between light waves of the same frequency and constant phase relation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice and helpful pic, thanks