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Dec 31, 2007

Applications of diodes

Rectifying Diodes

The principal early application of diodes was in rectifying 50 / 60 Hz AC mains to raw DC which was later smoothed by choke transformers and / or capacitors. This procedure is still carried out today and a number of rectifying schemes for diodes have evolved, half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers.

rectifying diodes

Figure 2 - rectifying diodes

As examples in these applications the half wave rectifier passes only the positive half of successive cycles to the output filter through D1. During the negative part of the cycle D1 does not conduct and no current flows to the load. In the full wave application it essentially is two half wave rectifiers combined and because the transformer secondary is centre tapped, D1 conducts on the positive half of the cycle while D2 conducts on the negative part of the cycle. Both add together. This is more efficient. The full wave bridge rectifier operates essentially the same as the full wave rectifier but does not require a cetre tapped transformer. Further discussion may be seen on the topic power supplies.

A further application of rectifying diodes is in the conversion or detection of rf modulated signals to audio frequencies. Typical examples are am modulated signals being detected and early detection schemes for fm also used diodes for detecting modulation.

Voltage Regulating Diodes

For relatively light current loads zener diodes are a cheap solution to voltage regulation. Zener diodes work on the principle of essentially a constant voltage drop at a predetermined voltage (determined during manufacture). An example is a Philips BZX79C12 type with a regulation range between 11.4V and 12.7V but typically 12V and a total power dissipation of 500 mW in a DO-35 package. The dissipation can be extended by using a series pass transistor, see power supplies. Notice in figure 3 there is a resistor to miminmise current drawn but mainly as an aid to dropping the supply voltage and reducing the burden on the zener diodes.

zener voltage regulation diodes

Figure 3 - zener voltage regulation diodes

In the second schematic of figure 3 we have three zener diodes in series providing voltages of 5V, 10V, 12V, 22V and 27V all from a 36V supply. This configuration is not necessarily recommended especially when the current being drawn is seriously mismatched between voltages. It is presented purely out of interest.

Varactor or Tuning Diodes

These types of diodes work on the principle that all diodes exhibit some capacitance. Indeed the zener diode BZX79C12 quoted above has, according to the data book, a capacitance of 65-85 pF at 0V and measured at 1 Mhz.

For AM Radio band applications a specific diode has been devised. The Philips BB212 in a TO-92 case is one such type. Each of the diodes has a capacitance of 500 - 620 pF at a reverse bias of 0.5V and <22>

Several obvious advantages come immediately to mind, a small transistor type package, very low cost, ease of construction on a circuit board, can be mounted away from heat generating devices, frequency determining circuitry entirely dependent upon resistor values and ratios, DC voltage control can be either from frequency synthesiser circuits or perhaps a multi-turn potentiometer. Such a potentiometer aids band spreading and fine tuning if two potentiometers are used. The only real limitation is your imagination and the calculations involved.

Diodes as frequency multipliers

Just one more example of the versatility of diodes is the frquency doubling circuit depicted in Figure 4. Now if that looks a lot like the full wave rectifier from figure 2 above you would be correct. That is why the ripple frequency for 50 / 60 Hz always comes out at 100 / 120 Hz.

diodes as frequency multipliers

Figure 4 - diodes as frequency multipliers

Here the input is a wide band transformer and the signal passes to a full wave rectifier comprising two 1N914 diodes. The DC component caused by the rectification passes to ground through RFC which of course presents a high impedance to the rf porion of the signal but essentially a short circuit for DC. The original signal should be down about 40 dB and with this type of circuit there would be a loss of somewhere around 7.5 dB so the 2 X signal would require further amplification to restore that loss.

Diodes as mixers

With some subtle re-arrangement to figure 4 we can get the circuit to function as a two diode frequency mixer. Note that there are other diode arrangements as well in this application. See mixers.

diodes as frequency mixers

Figure 5 - diodes as frequency mixers

The diodes here act as switches and it can be mathematically shown that only the sum and difference signals will result. For example, if F1 was 5 Mhz and F2 was 3 Mhz then the sum and difference signals from the diodes would be 8 Mhz and 2 Mhz. None of the original signals appear at the output and this is a most important property of using diodes as mixers.

It should be noted that although 1N914 diodes are depicted you would normally use hot carrier diodes in any serious application and the diodes need to be well matched.

Applications of switching Diodes

Similar types of diodes have been developed specifically for band switching purposes. Although a typical 1N914 type switching diode can be used for such purposes it is preferable to use diodes which have been optimised for such purposes because the Rd on is much lower. This means the diode resistance Rd can have a serious affect on rf circuits in particular the "Q" of a tuned circuit. One example of a low Rd device is the Philips BA482 diode used for band switching in television tuners. It has a typical Rd of 0.4 ohms at a forward current of 10 mA.

In figure 5 we have one application where switching diodes operate. All diodes serve to switch in or out capacitors in the diagram which is presented here just to illustrate one single application of switching diodes, many, many more applications exist. Again the limit is your imagination.

applications of switching diodes

Figure 6 - applications of switching diodes

The switching diodes in figure 4 switch in or out successively higher values of capacitors as each control select line is "grounded". The voltage from the +5V feed line proceeds through the diode at DC thus opening the diode and making it appear "transparent" for rf purposes. The capacitor with the value attached is then "switched" into circuit. Other components marked RFC and Cbp are chokes and bypass capacitors for "clean" switching. The bypass capacitors and choke values would be determined by the frequency of operation.

We could just have easily have switched inductors instead of capacitors. Note why Rd is quite important on overall circuit performance. If we were using inductors the diode resistance Rd would have a significant affect on inductor "Q" which in turn would affect filter performance, if it was in fact an LC filter application.

Switching Diodes in Logic Circuits

If you you completed the tutorial on digital basics you should be aware of binary numbers. There are a whole range of digital building blocks available and just by way of one illustration of using diodes we have presented the 74HC4040 twelve stage binary ripple counter (there are others with varying number of stages).

In the schematic of figure 7 we have this counter which divides by successive division of two for twelve stages. Initially because there is no voltage drop across the resistor a high appears on all anodes as well as on pin 4 the master reset causing the counter to reset forcing all outputs low and in turn a voltage drop across each diode and across the resistor and a low on reset.

Progressively each of the outputs change from low to high for a certain period of time and without unduly complicating matters when all outputs as selected by our diode combination (in this particular case 1 + 2 + 32 + 64 = 99) are simultaneously high the voltage drop across the resistor will cease and cause pin 11 (reset which was formerly low) to go high and reset all the internal ripple counters.

applications of switching diodes in digital logic circuits

Figure 7 - applications of switching diodes in digital logic circuits

At the same time pin 4 changes state also with reset. It can been shown this happens once every 99 periods. Simply by placing diodes on the right outputs we can select to divide by any number up to 4095 using this particular counter.

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